"Leviticus is a world famous artist producing superior quality oil paintings, public street art, philosophy books, builds "experiential" art venues, creates "experiential" orchestras and performs in "freestyle" concerts.
Leviticus produces hundreds of public street art pieces in New York City intended for public consumption and critique. This work is funded by the sale of his oil paintings.
Leviticus is changing the modern paradigms of music making by expanding the formal band structure, making it a more freeform experience, an all inclusive multi medium orchestra, utilizing all forms of human expression to harness explosive group creativity, while eliminating the audience dynamic completely.
Leviticus creates his own venues to produce his orchestras. The venue changes as the orchestra evolves and creates itself. The orchestra turns the venue into a living sculpture. The venue is than made available to the public to be used by promoters, event planners, and various groups that need superior space to house their agendas.
In 2004 Leviticus opened the Glass House Gallery in New York City. Leviticus closed it down in 2006 after recording 40 Glasshouse Orchestra albums. These recorded videos can be seen on Glasshouse Orchestra YOU TUBE."
I found this on Broadway, hanging from a traffic light post.
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